Sexual Health

Female Infertility in Kenya: Reason to Worry

Female infertility in Kenya is a growing problem which has to be rooted out from the society. It means the disability to conceive or produce offspring. The main cause for infertility is poor reproductive system that impairs the ability of the body to perform necessary functions of reproduction.

It affects one in five couples according to the Kenya Fertility Society, mainly of the people of reproductive age. Some case can be treated with therapies such as medication or surgery. There are two types of infertility:

1. Hypo fertile couples that face trouble to conceive and their fertility is not the ideal and have problems with timing but they can conceive with the help of special treatment and proper timing. Examples are any man having low sperm count and woman having endometriosis. This ones are simple to manage.

2. Sterile Couples are not able to conceive without the help of any medical or surgical treatment. For example, man has not enough sperm to fertilize the ova or the woman has blocked fallopian tubes.

Reasons for female infertility in Kenya
Factors that contribute to infertility in women in Kenya are malfunctioning of the reproductive system or inability to release a healthy ovum in the fallopian tube. Other reasons such as endometriosis, infection or blocked tubes also lead to infertility.
Another important factor is the inability of the sperm to enter the mucus that lines cervical canal leading to the uterus. Aging among woman also leads to infertility because they are more likely to conceive in their early twenties thereafter fertility declines until the age of 35.

Study: One in five Kenyan couples suffer from infertility

How can you improve your chances to conceive?
There are some basic facts which could help you in increasing your chances for fertility.

1. The best time for fertilization to help with female infertility in Kenya is ovulation that occurs in mid to late morning usually 12 to 16 days before the start of next menstrual cycles. The women usually know when they are ovulation, as they fell more sexually ready than other times of the month. During this time, the vagina is sensitize and has enough lubrication to allow for easy penis penetration.

2. The best time to have intercourse is a day or evening before the ovulation takes place as such the sperm will be readily waiting in the fallopian tube when the ova or egg arrives. The man should be able to abstain from any sexual intercourse at least seven day before the sexual act. This allows for proper maturation of the sperms and build up of enough volumes for ejaculation.

3. The missionary position that is woman on her back and man on top usually is the best position for the uterus to receive sperm. But this case may vary in some situations so it is better that you consult your personal doctor.

4. The woman should lie still for about 10 minutes after the intercourse so that the sperm that has entered the vagina has time enough to travel into and through the cervix.

5. Because of the fact that sperm can live in the fallopian tubes for 2 or 3 days it could be possible to have intercourse one day, ovulate next day and conceive on the third day. Sexual intercourse can still go on the next day and the next to ensure maximum sperms are available in the woman’s body.

6. To have intercourse thrice during a week of ovulation shall raise the odd that the sperm is present in the fallopian tubes when ovulation takes place.

7. Fertility could be effected once you stop taking oral contraceptive pills or injectable hormones but the effect shall wear off by time.

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